downtown murals

The City of Delta called itself, "City of Murals" and had a reputation for having murals across town.​ The problem was they had not put a new mural up on their city walls in over ten years. Mural work that began in the 80's had stalled and no new murals accompanied their walls.
I worked with the City of Delta to restart their mural program. I explained that they needed to be known for something if they wanted to capture pass-through traffic. I also showed them that they needed something big to catch passing cars attention.
We began the process of putting murals on the City Hall in 2020. We added a companion mural to the back of the local church that was behind City Hall.
I was also able to engage the local Rotary Club to produce their own mural, and did fund raising for another. Delta was able to recapture their claim to being the "City of Murals," while increasing tourism spending and sales tax revenue. They watched as tax income jumped by over a million dollars.
Each city and business is unique. Murals worked for Delta, Colorado. Let us find out what will work for you.